Saturday, October 3, 2015

The example Of Horor Dialoge

                                       The Angry Ghost 

Pandi               :Mbah Bejo
Yuli                 :Anggel
Fatin                :Clara
Wiwik             :Ghost
Mara                :Parjo
Ahmad              :Dino
Deva                :Mr. Max
Supriadi           :Penata Suara

Mode Film                  :.( 2 siblings. (Anggel and Clara) is sad at the departure of the living room in memory of their mother Mrs. Diana who died mysteriously, until now they do not yet know the exact cause of the death of their mother. In the living room, 2 brothers sitting accompanied by their stepfather, Mr.. Max. After a few days of their mother's death, weirdness for the sake of weirdness going on, what are the peculiarities happened. Go directly to the scene.)

Mode drama    :
Anggel                        :oh, i miss mommy so much
Clara                :Yeah, I miss her too
Anggel                        ; Why, our mother passed away ??
Fatin                ;I don’t Know??

Tiba-tiba saja lampunya mati, dan diluar sana terdengar suara-suara aneh dan Deva mendadak seperti ada mencekiknya hingga ia tak sadarkan diri, hal tersebut membuat panic seluruh penghuni rumah,

Anggel                        :Help, help, Ded what happen to you?
Clara                :help, help . .
Anggel                        :please call Brother Dino!
Clara                :Where is he??
anggel              :Maybe Dino is sleeping in his room.
Kemudian Anggel pun pergi menggedor-gedor kamarnya Dino, Dinodpun keluar dari kamarnya
Dino                :”what going on?”
Clara                :please, help Daddy

Ketiga anaknya menghampirinya sembari menjerit, hingga akhirnya ayahnyapun tampak tak sadarkan diri . .
Anggel                        :oh dad, please wake up
Clara                :Please wake up daddy!!
Dino                :don’t leave us..

Mendengar suara jeritan mara pun keluar dari kamarnya, mengecek denyut nadinya Mr. Max . .
Parjo                :sory your father was passed away
Clara                : are u kidding me . .
Anggel                        : ”are u serious”
Parjo                :I  do not know why be like this (sembari berpikir)
Dino                :why??
Parjo                :”oh, forget it!?”
Kemudian tiba-tiba saja listrik kembali padam, dan suara-suara tersebut kembali terdengar, mereka semuanyanya pun menjadi ketakutan . .
Kemudian dari pintu muncul sosok kuntilanak, semuanya pun menutup mata . .
Parjo                :”please do not bother us, what is our mistake???)
Dino                :”Get out Please “
Anggel                        :”iam really fear”
Mereka semuanya ketakutan . .
Namun selang bebebrapa menit kemudian, listrik pun hidup kembali . . dan hantu pun menghilang . .
Parjo                : "may be that ghost will come back again, we must do something")
Clara                :” Do what?
Parjo                ; we must fight!!
Anggel                        :” how???, I do not dared
Parjo                ;” we can not fight it, but Mbah Bejo could fight it. .
Anggel                        :” who is mbah bejo?
Parjo                ;” (he is the most powerful shaman, ok I'll call him
Mode Film                  :
Mbah Bejo      : hei what going on?
Parjo          :”there is a ghost in my house, can you throw him out "
Mbah Bejo      :”of course I can, but you must add my facebook before @ Mb4h B3jo B3nc1 D’C4kity”
Parjo          ;”Oh myh god, Okok
Mbah Bejo      ;”ok I will came there about 30 minutes later”

30 Menit Kemudian

Mode Drama   :
Mbah Bejo tiba dirumahnya angel  dan Clara.
Dan melihat sekeliling rumahnya. Tiba2 saja dia seperti kerasukan . .

Ahmad pun tampak panic,
Dino          :”hei what going on”
Mbah Bejo      ;”Oh it's okay,my rheumatic is relapse again”
Kemudian Mbah Bejo pun kembali mengelilingi rumahnya Anggel dan tiba2tiba saja terdengar suara kucing, semuanya menjadi kaget . .
Mbah Bejo      ; “ok don’t worry about it”
Mbah Bejo      :”this place has a strong negative energy, ok let's start the ritual here.

Kemudian mbah bejo pun memulai ritualnya, ia menyalakan lilinnya da memulai membaca mantra . namun kemudian tiba-tiba saja lampunya mati dan terdengar suara jeritan sontak semuanya pun menjadi takut

Mbah Bejo      :” why do you disturb with this family? you are dead, you should not disrupt the human
Ghost        :” I want revenge, to someone who killed me !!”
Mbah Bejo      :”who is killed you?”
Ghost        ;” I have been poisoned”
Mbah Bejo      ;” do you know, who gives you a poison?
Ghost        :”I do not know, but I will continue to haunt  you until one of you admit about it"
Mbah Bejo      ;”so who are you??
Ghost        :”I am Mrs. Diana”
Clara          :”What, Mother (Menagis)
Anggel      :” please do not bother us, we are your children "
Ghost        :shut up, I do not care, "quickly admit or I will kill you one by one.!!
Anggel      ;not me!
Clara          :not me to!!
Dino          :not me to!!
Parjo          :” ok, ok I know who is killing you”
Ghost        :”who??
Parjo          ;” ok it happened like this” (kembali ke mode film)

Ghost        : so you have poisoned me Dino, I will kill you
Hantu tersebut pun berdiri hendak mencekik dino, tapi mbah bejo dengan sigap berdiri menghentikannya” terjadilah perang kesaktian antara keduanya. Mbah bejo membacakan mantra hingga hantu tersebut terlihat agak kesakitan”
Mbah Bejo      :” You should not kill someone, you already dead. Let us take care of Dino. Because it is not good to kill
Hantu        : "ok I understand, at least I can rest in peace because I already know everything.

Listrik pun kembali menyala dan hantu pun menghilang . .
Dino pun tampak menangis,

Kini hantu tersebut, tidak pernah datang lagi, dan Dino pun dijebloskan kedalam penjara

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